Event Organisation
Do you want to organize an event? Are you interested in performing at mosaique?
Online Anfrage-Formular Download Anfrage-Formular (pdf) Download Anfrage-Formular (Word)It’s very easy:
- All events must comply with the mosaique Charter. – Read the Charter and if you agree:
- Take a look at our calendar to find an available date for your event. All evens can only take place during or after opening hours (from 2 pm). In the morning our rooms are rented.
- (Note: Reservation requests cannot be viewed online, so it may be possible that someone else has already requested the same dare.)
- Fill in the online form or send an e-mail to: veranstaltungen[at]mosaique-lueneburg.de. It would be great if you could send the filled out form as well (PDF, Word).
- We need the request form for the event planning, so our Veranstaltungs- und Saalteams have the information. Our Press-Team needs the Information to create Facebook-event and our Finance-team to prepare official documents. Thank you!
- We contact you per e-mail to confirm the date. Also we will send you all the information on how to organize an even at mosaique and connect you to your contact person.
No closed events take place at mosaique. You can find more information about our events in this Document.
We ask for a registration of groups from 10 people as well: if you want to have a meeting in a big room (Saal), please let us know per e-mail: veranstaltungen@mosaique-lueneburg.de If you want to organize a meeting as a group in a meeting room (space is approx. for 12-15 people), please fill in the online-form or contact us per e-mail and attach the filled in form (see above). We need that to avoid the overlaps with the events and also to inform the Saaldienst-Team.
We look forward to your event at mosaique!